Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The person that i like, well i don't know if i like him or not, Chad, he's been purposely ignoring me for the whole week, now. Today during the second break, my friend, P, i told him that Chad is ignoring me, so P told Chad not to do that (I was there when that happened), but suddenly this dude came up to me and said "F*** Off", so I moved out of his way. Then P and Chad told him not to say that to me, in a joking/sarcastic way, cause they know that dude. When i left, i heard Chad said to that dude not to speak to me like that, in a serious voice, then he told him something else, but i couldn't make out what he said. I don't know that Chad is saying that because he actually don't want the dude to say that to me, or, he said something negative about me...

waa, I don't know....

Monday, March 30, 2009


WAWAWAWA!!! I can't believe i like this guy that's being a bully to me...
ok.. REWIND....
this was last year. i was in his music class, and i find him scary, even now... then when he knew that i was scared of him, he kept bugging me and stuff, like hitting me.... Waa.... now, he still does to me...

then 2 weeks ago, at my school's social, i saw him with his little brother and his little cousin. Both of the kids were dragging his hands(soo cute!). that's how i like him... I've never seen this side of him at school... the "fatherly" side...
I don't know why, but I like guys with strong jaw bone and has the "fatherly" aura...

I guess this feeling won't last long, because he still being mean to me... I guess i have to put up him, I have 5 classes with him!!! WAA!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


WAa... there's so many things happened in my friendship group...
1. M and K always leaving us for this "cute" guy, i mean, this guy is not THAt cute... they are just way too obsess... and plus, they've become very mean to us... *sigh* i dont know what to do with them.

2. M and K (still the same girls, are being extremely bitchy to A.. but M and K still thinks that we are still in the same friendship group... soo, i just wander off... hehehe, i dont want to worry dats not my problem...

hm.. what should I do? should i intervene, or just let them figure it out themselves?

Good news! Good news! remember the dude that i told you ppl, in the beginning? Kenta? hmm... I'm in one of his classes! YAY!! it feels like a highschool crush... heheehe. we know each other, but we don't talk each other much... haaah.... oh well...

i think i should do my homework... there's soo many essays and projects... i cant handle it!! NOOOOO, i'm drowing in paper!!! my dad is teaching me math for the year ahead of me, he said that next year in math, i won't have any trouble doing it... *sigh* typical asian parents...

.....please pray for me... till next time....

*hide* *cry*

Monday, December 29, 2008


Welcome welcome to my blog! hohoho!
.... ....
Waaahh! what should i say??!!
Ahem... Maybe i could tell you what happened in 2008 so far...
Well, in the beginning of this year i started a new school... and... and... i saw this guy (lets call him... hm... Kenta), hmm, i don't know how to put this... love at first sight...?? Then, 2 terms later, everyone thinks i like Kenta... but that's ok, in everyone's eyes that's classified as a "rumor". hehehe. i don't know why i like Kenta, i never spoke to him or be in any of his classes. hm... likiing someone is weird...
But when i spoke to one of his friends, he said...
" An0nG1rl, Kenta thinks that you're pissed at him..."
and i said
"No! Who said that?"
and he said
"mm... Everyone around Kenta..."

What??!! Isn't that suppose to be the opposite??
Hm... Suspicious....

There's heaps more that happened, so tuned in for more!

Love An0nG1rl

day 2

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I'm a girl that's full of secret... Wahaahahaha! jokes jokes! I'm not THAT emo...
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